
There is progress on the vest! I like how the pearls are working on this. I'm using size 15 beading needles for the little 2mm freshwater pearls. and for the rest of the embroidery, I'm mostly using size 12 quilting needles. It's a lot of fun.

Tutorial, part the fifth

And a good Wednesday morning to everyone!

Continuing with the piece. Overcast stitch the center padding (like satin stitch, just not angled) I used two strands of DMC floss. Doing this, gives your area of turkey stitch a nice border, and keeps the edges clean.
Next we start the Turkey stitch Mary Corbett has a wonderful video tutorial and description of the stitch, at the link.
I'm working with three strands of DMC you can work with more, of course, but I find this to be more manageable, and trims up nicely. I'm using a toothpick to keep the loops, more or less, even. It makes the trimming go a lot smoother, if you use a gauge like that. For smaller sections, I'll use a thick wire.

As you finish each row, trim your loops. You'll find that it's a lot easier to get all the loops trimmed if you cut them as you go. If you wait to the end, you'll find that you've got uncut loops, and they reflect the light differently. (you may like the effect. I really don't)

For this one, use the heavier needle, you will want the extra length, and sturdiness to grab onto. (this is from the file of lessons learned the hard way. don't be like me)

Also, the denser the stitch is worked, the more full the pile is. And it just looks better.

MOST IMPORTANT: Do NOT, I repeat DO NOT attempt to trim and shape the fluff until the whole area is finished. Also, do not start trimming and shaping on one day, and come back the next to finish it. You will find a ridge, or line forms, and you will never get rid of it, unless you pull it out and start all over. (Once again, don't be like me)

Trim and shape the fluff. Work methodically from the outer edges to the inner section. This will give the fluff a nice domed shape. As you're going, stop and fluff the fluff with an eyebrow brush. Really work the bristles in, since that's what separates the floss strands and makes it look like lush carpeting.

That's all for today. Tomorrow we'll add the beads/pearls.

Happy Stitching!


It's DONE! Just to recap, this piece was about 270 hours, but it's done. And, that's what matters. Honestly I'm thrilled with how it turned out. I could have done more embroidery on the back, but I don't think it was necessary, the back looked really good as is. (I worked it with a single strand of gold, and a single (rather than doubled) thread) I have a note that I may need to do a piece with that technique on the front, just need to figure out the right use for it.

And now, the pictures, as always, click to enbiggen.

Happy stitching everyone, and go out and enjoy the weather, it's beautiful out there. 

Liberace variations

I decided I needed to have a whimsey project to go with the serious projects I'm working on. So I went to pictures of Liberace for inspiration (as one does)
And here's what I've come up with so far, it still needs more bling, and pearls, and beads, and bling, and three dimensional elements, and bling, and did I mention it needs more bling? I'm currently at 8 hours of stitching, and this has been a ton of fun.
The weather is lovely outside, so go have some fun!