
There is progress on the vest! I like how the pearls are working on this. I'm using size 15 beading needles for the little 2mm freshwater pearls. and for the rest of the embroidery, I'm mostly using size 12 quilting needles. It's a lot of fun.

Beetle wing added.

This is the first of many beetle wings to go on the vest. I'm cutting them into smaller pieces and sanding the edges to shape. After the sanding, I use a teeny-tiny drill to make some holes to stitch it down.

If I wanted the effect, I could gently steam them, and gently flatten them out a bit.


It's DONE! Just to recap, this piece was about 270 hours, but it's done. And, that's what matters. Honestly I'm thrilled with how it turned out. I could have done more embroidery on the back, but I don't think it was necessary, the back looked really good as is. (I worked it with a single strand of gold, and a single (rather than doubled) thread) I have a note that I may need to do a piece with that technique on the front, just need to figure out the right use for it.

And now, the pictures, as always, click to enbiggen.

Happy stitching everyone, and go out and enjoy the weather, it's beautiful out there. 

Happy Saturday!

Well, there was a glorious full moon last night. Really beautiful. Tonight is supposed to be really good as well, so go out & take a look.

Today is a solid stitching day. I'd like to have this piece done for the new year (and spend New Year's day cleaning up the studio, to start the year with a clean slate)

Here are the progress pics, they were taken with my phone so the quality is a bit iffy.

Now to brew up the coffee and get to work!