Sara Desjardins

Sara is doing an amazing job with felt, both sculptural and more framed. I'm seriously stunned by her work. In a moment, I'll post a picture of one of her pieces, and explain why I love it so much. But first go check out her Facebook page. I'll wait....



Then go check out her work on Behance (an artists' portfolio site.), there are some magnificent pictures there.  

This is gobsmackingly detailed. Absolutely magnificent. 

This is gobsmackingly detailed. Absolutely magnificent. 

I adore this little beastie. He's fully detailed (a little NSFW, but it's an armadillo) The fine lines on his scales are little tufts of wool that she has needle felted in place. I thought they were wool blanket stitch that she needle felted. Nope. She did it the harder, more spectacular way. 

This beastie even has some heft to him. 

I simply adore her work. So let's all wish her a Happy Birthday! 


Back to setting up for fair!

Craftwear and Living With Craft Setup! (Part 1)

for the 26th. Add pictures of set up. 

This will be on display, and for sale at this year's Craftwear, at the League fair!

This will be on display, and for sale at this year's Craftwear, at the League fair!

I'm helping with the setup this year at the Fair. It's a new thing for me. I've wanted to be able to do this for a few years now, but my anxiety/agoraphobia issues have been too much for me. This year, I'm taking extra medication and sleeping about 12 hours a night, to recover, but, I'm doing it! I expect that I'll be fried for most of August afterwards, but it's worth it. 

One of the values I chose to live by is "We're all in this together" For me that means that I should do what I can, with what I have for those people and groups that I care about. This means I've donated a lot of my work for fundraising. This year I decided to do more concrete actions to help my groups. So I'm giving my time. 

I'll be adding pictures to this post through the day. It should be fun!