The Empress reversed

This has been inspired by today’s daily Tarot card, “The Empress” and it was reversed. The starting image was of a church tower being slowly overrun by the sea.

the text under all the drawing and painting is

“Signs are ignored, and portents are ignored. The unhealthy silence blankets the world like snow”

2-7-2019 The Emperess reversed 400 dpi.jpg

Today's daily sketch. Ace of Pentacles--reversed


Today’s daily card is the Ace of pentacles—reversed. Which means I need to look at how my physical environment is affecting me, and how I am affecting it. What is the financial situation? Am I doing what I should for my own health and mental well-being? So while I was contemplating the different meanings of the card, and how I felt about it, I did a google search for a decent image to work with. And this came up from National Geographic


An interresting view of a dam, and how humans have shaped our environment. Many images, of course, came up, but this was the one that grabbed me.

so I did the first step in each of my sketches and wrote my thoughts and musings about the card on to the watercolor paper. I used a prismacolor pencil today instead of standard graphite. It felt like a yellow ochre sort of day

I worked a lot with indigo blue and gold. as well as a bit of orange because the image needed it. and here is the result.


Have a great day!

Embroidery progress

So the piece that I’m thinking of as Aphrodite 1—ocean leaf, is coming along. I’ve started adding the needle-lace and the pearls. There are, also, some vintage coral beads worked in. I’m not sure, yet, how much pearls and such will be on this one. One side of me is thinking that nothing succeeds like excess. And I think having such large elements being partially hidden by the lace is a significant statement. Like beauty being hidden by the sea foam.


Green Map

So today’s daily sketch is me responding to the ideas I used yesterday. Which was a response to an image of a Polynesian star map/sea map. This time I got the depth of color right.

Today's daily sketch is a response to yesterday's. The video has been edited down to about 17 minutes. I'm still working on adding audio, and doing it as time lapse so the total length is under 10 minutes. When I edit the videos, I remove the times where I'm using sprays or the hairdryer.
9-20-18 400dpi.jpg

Today's Card

Today's card is the Sun. It's a card of the Major Arcana, which tells me that it's a more important reminder from the universe. The shorthand definition of the card is 'enthusiasm, playfulness, clarity, personal growth, and self-acceptance' 

This is in a very odd contrast to how I'm feeling, at least the first part. I'm kind of feeling the opposite of this. So I think part of the message is that sometimes, you need to fake it for a while until it feels real. 

It's also suggesting that I do the things that will help bring that about. To share what I'm doing with the world, and celebrate the good in things. 

I'm in a low mood but contemplating the meanings and implications of the card is bringing my state up. There's sunshine this morning, and the studio is looking pretty nice in it. I've got a relaxing mix of electronic music playing. I'll likely feel even better after I get my coffee into me. 

I think I'll embrace the card and put today to good use. I'm going to watch some videos about how to use OBS Studio to make time-lapse video, and then do the daily sketch with the cameras running. If it's any good, I'll post it later today. Maybe, even if it isn't any good, I'll post it anyway.

Daily sketch & fast project

So, the league of New Hampshire Craftsmen, is having a show titled black and white and the due date for entries is December 1st.

Wish me luck,  I'm going for it .  



And here's the daily sketch that is inspiring the piece.



Daily sketch

Today's daily sketch is based on the idea of wind or air, like yesterday's was based on fire.

It partially works .  I think the background needs to be even paler  than it is now .  Also,  the surface  decoration , basically the dark focal area of the piece,  needs to be darker  and more defined.  




Daily sketch


Today's daily sketch. It was looking a little like christmas wrap for a bit. Thankfully adding the last layer mellowed it out, and made it come together. 

I'm trying to develop a language of marks, and symbols that is consistent. Currently I'm thinking that triangles are a good representation for fire or flame. Circles and ovals for water and squares for earth. For air I think it's going to be those diddly marks I like so much. 

Also, I'm trying to work on my color theory. For example on this piece, it turns out that green, no matter how muted or earthy is not a suitable complement to red-orange. Dark gray and purple are. Just like yesterday's post, blues go better with yellows, and yellow ochre. I think this more of an emotional thing, not a visual thing. 

I find that chalk pastels are becoming my favorite base layer. it's just such a nice surface to work on. 

Now, time to get back to the stitching. 

Daily sketch

I'm going to break my rule on this one. I'm continuing it tomorrow, for a second hour. I think there might be something worth exploring.



Finished watercolor

Size is 18"x24"

The surface is built up with: a layer of chalk pastel, clear acrylic gesso, watercolor, gouache, gloss varnish, gold gouache, and finally high-gloss acrylic varnish. I used one of my daily sketches for the inspiration (the initial inspiration was a photo of a rock wall) 

I'm still unsure of the title. 

