A daily sketch, inspired by a graphic depicting the Milky Way.
Daily sketch
Today's daily sketch is based on the idea of wind or air, like yesterday's was based on fire.
It partially works . I think the background needs to be even paler than it is now . Also, the surface decoration , basically the dark focal area of the piece, needs to be darker and more defined.
Daily sketch!
I'm working with some pictures of my walk home, and abstracting them.
Can't turn this right side up on my phone
This *is* right-side up. First image is more literal, though simplified. Second is pursuing a thought.
Daily sketch
Daily sketch
Turns out this paper is terrible for calligraphy. There are fixes, like gum sanderac, burnishing, and, possibly, ironing.
(I didn't post yesterday's as I think I'm the only person that could make sense of it)
Daily sketch
Just capturing a few ideas
Meant to post this yesterday
I'm trying to find a way to represent lace obscuring other stitching
Daily sketch
Amethyst starling, with text from "
The Avicultural Magazine, Volume 6"
Photo reference by aquieterstorm.tumblr.com
Daily sketch
Today's turned out pretty well. The gold gel pen moves with the watercolor brush, more than I thought it would. It's made an interesting, obscuring, layer of sparkle. The text is one of the psalms in latin.
I was debating if it needed some true white highlights.
This is an idea I'll be revisiting.
Daily sketch
Inspired by a corset made by Pascal Jaouen. The next few pieces will be inspired by him. That work is mind-boggling.
I also wanted to test the color combo of yellows and dark sap green. I like it.