The pretty red and cream check, with ecru embroidery turned out really pretty. The design is chunkier than I like, but it doesn't look bad.
The white fabric pen worked magnificently. The lines are fine enough, and they show up beautifully on the ash gray linen smock.
The hardanger is done!
New projects. I finished a viking tunic in time for Birka, and it didn't suck. I'm going to add a bit more embroidery around the collar for next weekend at the Novice Scola in Bergental. I'm finishing the embroidery on the linen under tunic, and if there's time, I'll add a collar. Also started on a couple linen handkerchiefs, they're both hemmed, and I've started the embroidery on one. I have no idea yet what to embroider on the other one. I'd like to use silk embroidery floss, but the colors run if you look at them.
On the home front:
I've painted the stairwell and small room in the basement. A *very* soothing, calm, subdued set of colors *eg*
"Volcanic Blast" and "Startling Orange" They look simply wonderful.
I have storage solutions being delivered tomorrow, white, there'll be a desk and a batch of bookcases and that should help me set up the sewing area.
I'm getting the household set up. Getting the kitchen organized, the spare room emptied, and the main basement room set up. It's nice to see the house looking the way I wanted it to.
That's it for now.
The white fabric pen worked magnificently. The lines are fine enough, and they show up beautifully on the ash gray linen smock.
The hardanger is done!
New projects. I finished a viking tunic in time for Birka, and it didn't suck. I'm going to add a bit more embroidery around the collar for next weekend at the Novice Scola in Bergental. I'm finishing the embroidery on the linen under tunic, and if there's time, I'll add a collar. Also started on a couple linen handkerchiefs, they're both hemmed, and I've started the embroidery on one. I have no idea yet what to embroider on the other one. I'd like to use silk embroidery floss, but the colors run if you look at them.
On the home front:
I've painted the stairwell and small room in the basement. A *very* soothing, calm, subdued set of colors *eg*
"Volcanic Blast" and "Startling Orange" They look simply wonderful.
I have storage solutions being delivered tomorrow, white, there'll be a desk and a batch of bookcases and that should help me set up the sewing area.
I'm getting the household set up. Getting the kitchen organized, the spare room emptied, and the main basement room set up. It's nice to see the house looking the way I wanted it to.
That's it for now.